Sunday, November 9, 2014

The The third Crusade

The third crusade started when the king of England Richard the Lionhearted wanted to get Jerusalem back from Saladin. Richard the lionhearted  was tall,golden haired, and strong. And he wanted Jerusalem back. When he became king he started to sell his stuff for money to make a army to go into the holy land. He even declared, i will sell London if i have to get money for my army. When he had a large enough army to attack the holy land. At first he had two allies the duke of Austria and the king of France. At first Richard insulted the king of France so he left. Then the duke of Austria put his banner next to Richard so Richard told him to put his banner away and the Austrian duke said no so Richard through the banner in the mud. The Austrian duke left. When Richard  got in the holy land he lost and went home. But the Austrian duke captured him and locked him up. Then Richard got away and that is the third Crusade. Richard died when he was hit by a arrow at a attack on a french castle.

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